Why Outplacement is Critical to Your Organization
Fear erodes the culture when layoffs are poorly executed
Downsizing? Do the Right Thing
Offer Outplacement Solutions
It's a fact of life that business changes and your staffing needs fluctuate. You can turn this life changing event into a growth opportunity. Do not drop workers on their heads. Offer a kind and responsible alternative to the people who must separate from your employment

Outplacement Solutions for Organizations
Executive Outplacement - From full marketing services to basic support
The Exit Plan - The solution for mid mangement
Group Programs - Help everyone who is terminated, regardless of rank.

Outplacement for Individuals
Executive Agent Program - Designed for executives who need a plan with marketing
The Exit Plan - Designed for leaders who must quickly find another position.
Group Program - A plan for everyone. Live group sessions in addition to training videos. Learn how to navigate the system, and land a job fast.
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